Year 3

Year 3

Look what happened when Mrs Proffitt ran out of toilet roll!

Hello to all our wonderful families!

Dear families,

During the school's closure, there will be work for children to complete on this page. Work can be printed off or completed in the text book that was sent home. Every week I will be uploading maths, writing, reading, science and topic tasks. I would appreciate if you could encourage your children to complete this work during their time away from school.

Children can continue to use accelerated reader from home using the website below.


During this time I would love to hear what the children have been up to! Take photographs and stick them in your text book or email them to me.
I am going to miss teaching you all during this time. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns, questions or queries.


Thank you for all of your support!

Miss Simpson