School Carpark / drop off zone

Cooper Perry – Carpark / Drop-Off Zone


We are lucky at Cooper Perry to have on lease additional land for the use of parents dropping off and collecting pupils safely from school (at the rear of the field, accessed from the lane). Without this space the busy village road would be congested and dangerous, causing major disruption to local residents and our own school families. This land does not belong to the school or local authority and is accessed with strict limitations in place.


Restrictions for use:

  • No additional permanent materials may be added to the area – the landowner requests that anything added can be removed easily for future possibilities of change of use.
  • The area is used at own risk as not a compulsory drop off zone. The land owner and school do not take responsibility for any loss or damage caused in the use of this space.
  • Users are politely request that you follow the 5mph speed limit to prevent damage to the surface of the carpark and keep other users safe. (This will also prevent damage to your vehicles when the bad weather degrades the surface).
  • Users are asked not to park on the grassed areas as these surfaces become muddy and pitted due to no hard standing surface.
  • At the start and end of the day pupils are under parent / guardian supervision after they have left the care of their teacher.
  • Please park with consideration for others and drive with caution as the area can become very busy.

Cooper Perry Primary School will:

  • Carry out visual inspection of the carpark at a minimum of monthly intervals
  • Add non-permanent materials and compact the surface when required (minimum once a year when the weather is suitable)
  • Carry out any repair works during out of school time, where possible, to avoid disruption
  • Consult with the landowner under the terms of the lease


We thank you in advance for your support in accessing and using this area.

Updated: March 2023


Supporting Documents