Spring 2
How do we respond to change?
This term in Year 3 we will be looking at our planet (including the different layers) and exploring the causes and effects of earthquakes and volcanoes, the connections and trends between them, as well as a case study on the Haiti earthquake in 2010.
Home Learning - Thursday 22nd February 2024
Please find below learning for the children to complete.
Guided Reading: World Volcanoes
Choose 1 star, 2 star or 3 star to read and answer the questions.
Maths: TTRS practice - Complete the GIG if you have not done so already for this month.
Complete the arithmetic paper.
PSHE: Complete the sheet and a poster on risks and hazards.
English: Write your own adventure story about the BFG. Create a new adventure for him and Sophie to go on.
Include in your writing: direct speech (inverted commas " "), expanded noun phrases (the enormous, towering tree), prepositions (below, next to, on top of etc.), a variety of sentence starters (After____, Before_____, While_____ etc.) . Remember to keep it in the same tense (past, present or future)!