Thursday's Top Secret Task
A Day in the Life of a Year 5 during Lockdown 2020
As you know, when we learn about history, we explore a range of sources to learn about what life was like in the past. Well, in years to come, children will be learning all about 2020 – the year the world went in to lockdown.
Your secret mission is to create a source that reflects what life in lockdown is really like. To do this, you will need to capture the key moments from your day. I want you to think about how your day differs from a normal day, pre-lockdown. Do you get up slightly later? Do you start you day with PE? Do you have more snacks than normal? What does your ‘classroom’ look like? Do you go outside and clap for key workers? These are the moments you need to capture.
If you can, it would be fantastic for you to record these moments and collate them all using a video-editing tool, such as iMovies. Alternatively, you could take individual photographs and organise them to represent the structure of your day.
Sam is one step ahead and has already captured a typical day in lockdown 2020. Take a look at his video below to get some inspiration.
Once you’ve created your source, please send them to me at and, with your family’s permission, I will share them on our class page.
Enjoy – can’t wait to see them!
Miss Fletcher
A Day in the Life of Sam