Half Term
To my INCREDIBLE Year 5 team,
It’s half term – WE MADE IT!
9 weeks on and it still seems very surreal that we are not together in our classroom, learning, laughing and making memories. I want to you all to know how incredibly proud I am of you. The dedication and passion you have shown towards home schooling has been amazing; your eagerness to learn, despite the current situation, has been commendable; and the work you have produced has been simply outstanding. But it is your strength and positivity that makes me most proud to be your teacher. During these uncertain times, you have shone brightly, showing me (and each other) how wonderful you are, each as individuals and together, as a class.
I’m sure we’ve all had our challenging days, where we have longed for normality and perhaps shown some frustration towards the situation we are in and that’s okay! Please know that it is okay to have an ‘off day’, it’s okay to find home schooling tricky sometimes and it’s okay to feel off course during this time. We are all thinking and feeling the same and we are all here for each other.
This week is half term so close your books, put down your pens and take a well-deserved break! I hope that whatever you have planned, your week will be filled with fun, laughter and sunshine. For those of you that have asked for some work this week, I have uploaded several Maths, Writing and Reading tasks that you may choose to complete.
As I am sure you know, some of our schoolmates are returning to school very soon. Over the next few weeks, I am going to be planning and gathering all of the work for Years 3 and 4, so if it takes me a little longer to get back to you, please bear with me.
As always, I love receiving your updates, messages and photos (work related and none work related), so keep them coming in!
Take care, stay safe and stay positive!
I miss you all so very much!
Miss Fletcher
P.S Earlier this week, it was ‘Thank a Teacher Day', so remember to say a huge thank you to your amazing parents, who have been your dedicated teachers for the past 8 weeks - they’re doing an incredible job!!