Half Term
Happy Half Term!
I just want to say a huge well done for all of the fantastic work that you have completed so far. Your mock scores were phenomenal – you should all be proud of what you have achieved. I definitely am! I have loved receiving your talent pictures and videos, and I hope that you have all been able to look at them on the class page! Our Industrial Revolution topic has now come to end; I hope that you have all enjoyed the work that you have completed on this. I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed receiving your incredible work and seeing all of the different ways that you have chosen to present your tasks.
I don’t expect anyone to complete any work during this week; you have all worked so hard that you deserve a rest. However if you do fancy a few short activities, I have uploaded reading, SPAG, a writing task and maths. Also, it is so important that you are continuing to read during this time – please continue to do this and access your accelerated reader account when you are ready to take a quiz.
After half term, as you know, I will be continuing to work from home. I will be planning the work for you and Year 5 (as Miss Fletcher is taking on Years 3 & 4). You will still be able to contact me anytime with questions, updates, support with work, or feedback/marking. Even if you are attending school, you can still contact me via email if you need anything.
Have a lovely week!
Take care,
Miss Harrison