
Reception Admissions

At Cooper Perry Primary School we follow Staffordshire’s School Admission and appeals arrangements.

If your child’s 5th birthday is between 1st September 2025 and 31st August 2026, then you can apply for a place in our Reception class to start in September 2025. The easiest way to apply for a Reception place is to complete the online application form using the link below. If you are unable to complete the form on-line you can still apply by telephoning the school admissions service on 0300 111 8007 (select option for school admissions). The closing date for this year’s admissions for Reception is 15th January 2025. If you are applying for a place after the closing date, you will need to contact school admissions by telephone only.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact our school office on 01785 282210 or via email to


In Year Admissions

If you wish to make an in year application for our school, please complete the in year application form and return this to and we will respond within 15 school days.

Reception mini-film

Still image for this video
We hope you enjoy the mini-film about life in reception! If you have any questions at all about reception, please email the reception class teacher, Mrs Batten:

Please find above our Nursery Admissions Policy 2024 - 2025 and a 'register of interest' form.  If you would like to apply for a place within our Nursery please complete the 'register of interest' form and return to us either via post or email (


More information about  any of our provisions, charging and funding can be obtained from our  Reception desk or by calling 01785 282210.