Home learning
Whilst the schools are shut, I will be uploading different activities to complete at home on a weekly basis. I have also uploaded lots of useful websites and extra activities that can also be accessed. If there is anything that I haven't put on that you would find helpful please do contact me. Furthermore please remember, play is an essential part of children’s learning in Reception. When children are playing, they develop ‘characteristics of effective learning’ which include, playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. Where possible, spend time joining in with their play by asking questions, creating stories, encouraging mathematical skills and writing opportunities.
Please complete any work inside your ‘special book’ (exercise book sent home this week) and continue to post and share your observations on Evidence me. Feel free to email and share with me any of the work you have completed. I will look forward to seeing all the exciting things you have been up to!
Furthermore, please contact me on my email lhand@cooperperry.staffs.sch.uk if you have any questions, queries or concerns. During these difficult times, I will still do my best for the children so whatever you need please get in touch.
Hopefully, this won’t be the end of our Reception journey. Thank you for all your support this year so far. Reception, you are all amazing so continue to shine at home and show your grownups how amazing you are. You will all be missed dearly!
Please take care,
Miss Hand
Can you create the alphabet with pictures?

Everyday Learning