Other ideas
This page will be added to over this week and next week so just pick some activities or create your own if you like.
If you want to share these with me that would be lovely. If you want to share them with your friends send it to me and I will pass it on.
Try make a musical instrument that may work.
Play a musical instrument, if you have one at home.
Learn BSL - Numbers, alphabet or pets.
Learn another language - How to say your name, count to 10 or colours.
Cook a meal for your parents.
Doing some baking.
Create a card for a neighbour.
Create a sunshine for your window. Last week's theme was rainbows, this week is sunshine and next week is Easter.
Draw for pleasure - Find art attack videos to help you, if you want.
Make play dough animals.
Create a nature trail in your garden.
Build a den
Invent a new playground game for us when we return to school.
Create a video diary of your day
Create a Joe Wicks style workout for your family.
Do some gardening.
Plant things and care for them.
Create a lego sculpture
Create an Easter card
Learn how to play chess.
Make a kite.
Create a paper aeroplane
Learn the words to your favourite song.
Read a story for a friend.
Learn a song in a foreign language.
Try to juggle.
Create a skipping routine.
Chalk drawings
Create a minibeast hotel.