Spring Term
Below are the learning activities for week two of home schooling. Please do not feel you have to complete these they are just ideas to keep your little ones busy.
Reading: Please read/ watch a child friendly version of the Easter Story. There are different ones available on Twinkl or you can find your own version. Please make sure it’s child friendly!
Writing: print off (or draw) some Easter pictures and try and write the initial sound for each picture. e.g. ‘r’ for rabbit, ‘e’ for egg etc...
EAD ( expressive arts and design): collage an Easter egg using bits and pieces from around your house.
Practise singing ‘Hot cross Buns’ and clap the rhythm.
Maths: roll one spotty dice, count out the same number of mini eggs to match the dots on the dice, try and write the number you have. If you need to make it harder use two dice. If they do well they can eat the eggs! Keep the activity going until you feel they have had enough.
Daily/weekly activities:
phonics (use the jolly phonics link below.
keep practising writing your name (or just the first letter depending on your child’s ability)
keep learning your numbers and counting by using the ten town link below.
Home Learning Fun

Nursery Fun