The Runaway Iceberg (11th-15th January)
The Runaway Iceberg
Watch the story and then have a go at some of the activities listed below over this week!
Physical Skills:
- Change the words to 'The Hokey Cokey' to 'The Penguin Huddle'. Sing the song and try different penguin moves!
- If you have any sugar cubes (or your food delivery can bring some!) use tweezers and the cubes in a tray and see if your child can build a mini igloo with them!
Communication and Language:
- Act out the story with your child! You could make your own role play masks!
- Play a prepositions game with a toy penguin (if you have one, or any toy will do!). Hide him in different places around your house and use language such as on top of, in and next to, behind, above, below, to talk about where he is.
- Ask your child to wrote a list of items they may take on a polar adventure!
- Can they sequence the story in the files attached above and tell their own version of the story? You can scribe it for them and they can write some of it themselves applying their phonics from the week.
Understanding the World:
- Find out some facts about penguins and make a fact file!
- How is Antarctica different from the UK?
Expressive Arts and Design:
- Cut out some penguin outlines and ask your child to paint one half of it, then fold it in half to make the symmetrical pattern on the other side!
- Design a map to help the penguins get back home!
- Can you create a den like an igloo in your house?
- Use paper, white wax crayons and watered down blue paint. Can you draw invisible igloos and icebergs on your paper then paint over to make them magically appear?