

Here at Cooper Perry Primary School the intent behind our English teaching is rooted in the National Curriculum. We want all of our children to develop a love of reading rooted in an ability to read easily, fluently and with good understanding. We want all children to develop a rich vocabulary and understanding of grammatical conventions developed through an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage. It is our aim that all children are able to communicate clearly through writing for a variety of purposes and audiences. Discussion is at the heart of our English curriculum; enabling children to elaborate and clearly explain their understanding and ideas. We want all of our children to be competent speakers and listeners; able to make formal presentations, demonstrating their knowledge to others, and participating in debate.


Our English teaching is rooted in the use of high quality and engaging texts throughout the school. These texts are chosen to promote a love of reading and act as a stimulus for writing.



In EYFS and Year 1, teaching focuses heavily on phonics – using the Twinkl Phonics Scheme which follows the Letters and Sounds teaching sequence – to ensure fluency and confidence in reading, and to develop skills in spelling. (More information on how phonics is taught can been found in our Phonics Policy and Phonics curriculum page.) Our children read Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds books which are matched to the Letters and Sounds scheme to develop their reading. These books go home for parents to support their children with their reading. Reading comprehension skills are developed alongside this through book talk, drama and opportunities for children to read for pleasure.

From Year 2 through to Year 6, once reading is fluent and confident, comprehension skills are the focus of lessons. This is done through whole class guiding reading sessions. Children are also given opportunities across the curriculum to develop their reading skills, and to read with the purpose of gathering information. Children access books using the Accelerated Reader programme which allows them to read a range of books, and select their own reading materials from the school library. Children who need additional support with reading also have access to the PM Reading Recovery scheme.



Writing takes place across the curriculum for a variety of purposes and audiences. Children develop the skills required to write in a particular genre or style, before being given opportunities to apply these skills in independent pieces of writing.

Spelling rules are taught throughout the school, and spelling lists are sent home for children to practice.

Hand-writing is a large focus in EYFS and children are taught pre-cursive script in readiness for joining their writing in later years.

Y1-Y6 English Curriculum Map 2021-22


By the time children leave Cooper Perry Primary School at the end of KS2, they will have a love of reading and be skilled in writing for a variety of purposes and audiences. This will prepare them well for the next stages of their education. All children will be enthusiastic, inspired and confident readers and writers. They will have experienced a rich curriculum based on high quality texts, and be able to make independent and informed decisions about what they choose to read, and the purposes for which they choose to write.